TODAY.AZ / Business

Residents provided with jobs in liberated territories of Azerbaijan

30 December 2023 [16:12] - TODAY.AZ

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of Azerbaijan reported that more than 1000 residents resettled in the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation have been provided with jobs, Azernews reports.

It was noted that labour fairs were organised in Fuzuli and Lachin towns during the past period. At the labour fairs in Fuzuli, 20 employers presented 200 vacancies, and in Lachin, 16 employers presented 200 vacancies. As a result of comprehensive measures taken, more than 1000 people from the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation were employed.

It was underlined that one of the main directions of the work on employment of the residents resettled to the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation is the organisation of vocational training courses.

Work in this direction has already started for unemployed residents of Lachin, Shusha, Fuzuli, Zangilan, and Jabrail towns, as well as Zabukh and Sus villages (Lachin district), Dovletarli (Fuzuli district), Gorovlu and Shukurbayli (Jabrail district), Mahruzlu and Zilanli (Gubadli district), Talish and Sugovushan (Aghdara district), Khidirli, Sarijali, Kangarli, Salahli Kangarli, and Bash Garvand villages (Aghdam district).


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