According to Trend, maximal price of AZERI LT was $63.85 per barrel on 6 March (dropped $0.72 per barrel as compared to last week - 3 March). Minimal price of AZERI LT was fixed at $60.89 per barrel (8 March), or $1.04 per barrel down than last week figure fixed on 27 February.
Last week price of URAL (EX-NOVO), marketed at the Novorossiysk port, was $55.42 per barrel, or $1.68 per barrel down than the average price of the previous week. The density of oil URAL is 31.85 degrees by API, sulphur content – 1.8%.
URAL maximal price comprised $57.78 on 6 March, or $0.86 a barrel down as compared to last week (6 March), minimal one - $54.31 on 8 March, or $1.14 down as compared to last week (27 February).
Brent average price (DTD) was $59.72 per barrel ($1.21 down per barrel). Brent maximal price comprised $61.22 on 6 March, or $1.22 per barrel up as compared to last week. Minimal price of Brent was $58.51 on 8 March, or $0.85 per barrel down as compared to last week (27 February).
The density of Azeri Light is 34.6 degrees by API, sulphur content – 0.14%.
The density of oil URAL is 32 degrees by API, sulphur content - 1.3%. The density of oil DTD is 38.3 degrees by API, sulphur content - 0.36%. The density of URAL is 32 degrees by API, the sulphur content – 1.3%. The density of DTD oil is 38.3 degrees by API, the sulphur content – 0.36%.
In 2005, SOCAR shipped 1,631 million tons of oil from Novorossiysk against 2,559 million tons in 2004. In December 2005 the oil shipment from Novorossiysk was 86,500 tons against 167,200 tons a month before and 166,300 tons in December 2004.
In 2005 Glencore was the major trader of SOCAR oil from Novorossiysk - 557,000 tons and it was followed by the Russian LUKOIL with 464,000 tons.
Oil shipment was not carried out in the Novorossiysk port in January 2006.