As Trend informs, the highest figure in the generation of electric energy was registered in 1991 when the production reached 23bln KW/h.
According to Asgarov, energy consumption in 2006 will increase the production rate and according to the forecasts reach 27bln KW/h. "Energy production in 2006 according to two month balance rate has increased on 9% as compared to 2005" - M.Askerov said. 22.2bln KW/h of energy was produced in 2005, which is 4.7% more than in 2004.
"Total amount of the energy production will be increased thanks to the module power stations and a number of other reconstruction work," Vise-President of Azerenergy noted.
A steam and gas facility with the power of 506MW is being constructed at the Sumgayit power station.
"We are planning to start constructing the second steam-gas facility with the capacity of 400MW at the Shimal power station by the end of this year," Askerov concluded.