TODAY.AZ / Business

10th Global Baku Forum: President remarks on growing demand for transportation infrastructure in Azerbaijan

09 March 2023 [15:10] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Qabil Ashirov

The Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev touched on several economic issues in his speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Global Baku Forum themed “The World of Today: Challenges and Hopes”.

The President spoke about the positive effects of oil and gas projects on the European energy market and once again confirmed widening the energy policy by exporting green energy.

“We already changed European energy map by building oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and now electric lines, which will deliver green energy. We are planning to export green hydrogen,” he said.

At a time that the energy transition is developing very rapidly, president Ilham Aliyev's remarks on Azerbaijan’s green energy potential is essential.

“International Finance Corporation already approved the final assessment of our offshore wind potential in the Caspian Sea, which is 157 gigawatts, not to mention about 40 onshore. So, this is the future for the world energy, this is the future for Azerbaijan. Energy transition here is developing very rapidly."

The president also outlined the amount of growth in transits through Azerbaijan and heralded that works will be continued in the field of transport infrastructure.

“Last year transits through Azerbaijan grew more than 75%,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the opening ceremony of the 10th Global Baku Forum themed “The World of Today: Challenges and Hopes. Our modern transportation infrastructure now is needed more than ever before. We really contributed a lot to transportation security,” the head of state emphasized.


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