As APA reports, the credit portfolio of the Bank increased by 61.5% in the reporting period and totaled AZN 16.448 million as of January 1, 2006. 9608 credits (AZN13.1 million) were disbursed to businessmen throughout the past year and as a result, the total number of credits granted by the Bank reached 18285.
Liabilities of AMFB increased more than 5 times to AZN 13.865 million this year. Volume of attracted deposits in the structure of liabilities increased by 3.6 times to AZN 591 thousand and deposits with fixed period totaled AZN 237 thousand.
Volume of balance capital of AMFB amounted to AZN 6.52 million by the beginning of the current year and paid-up capital remained in its previous amount – AZN 6.713 million.