As APA informs, receipts increased by 36.5% (AZN 493.7 million) and expenditures by 46.7% (AZN 594.3 million) in comparison with the same period of 2004.
69.2% (AZN 1276.7 million) of budget receipts were realized by the Ministry of Taxes and 18.3% (AZN 337.9 million) by the State Customs Committee and the budget forecast was implemented in 100.2% and 107.3% level respectively by these structures.
AZN 538.2 million or 29.2% entered from value-added tax (VAT), AZN 273 million (14.8%) from profit tax, AZN 221.1 million (12%) from income tax deducted from population, AZN 127.2 million (6.9%) from excise tax, and AZN 186.1 million (10.1%) from taxes related to foreign economic activity.
AZN 273.8 million (14.7%) of budget expenditures were spent for social protection and maintenance of population, AZN 319.8 million (17.1%) for education, AZN 178.7 million (9.6%) for maintenance of court policy, law-enforcement, security and prosecutor's authorities, and AZN 384.5 million (20.6%) for capital investments in the economy in the reporting year.
42.1% (AZN 785.7 million) of budget expenditures were wages, pensions and allowances to population.