As APA informs according to the State Statistical Committee (SSC), 24.2% and 75.8% of services were provided by state and non-state communications enterprises and their volume increased by 16.6% and 43.6%, respectively. 78.6% of services were directly rendered to population.
It was informed from SSC that proceeds derived from cellular communications increased by 46.6% to AZN 304.2 million in the reporting year. The number of cellular phone numbers was 2.2 million as of January 1 of the current year and the number of cellular phone numbers per each 100 persons in the country increased by 43.6% and formed 27.
The Committee reported that growth had also been registered in volume of communications services rendered in regions. So, volume of communications services on Absheron economic region increased by 14.6%, on Guba-Khachmaz economic region by 13%, on Mountainous Shirvan economic region by 12.2%, on Sheki-Zagatala economic region by 14.5%, on Aran economic region by 9.3%, on Ganja-Gazakh economic region by 12.7%, on Nakhchivan economic region by 21.3%, and on Lenkeran economic region by 11.7%.