"The members of the CIS Electric Power Council (EPC) approved an agreement on forming of common electric power market," announced the President of the EPC and a head of the Russian United Electric Network Joint Stock Company (UEN JSC), Anatoliy Chubays while speaking to journalists after a EPC meeting held in Tbilisi on Friday, October 28.
Chubays evaluated the meeting as a productive one since participants made a decision on forming of common electric power market. However, according to Chubays, issues on how market will be regulated have been unsolved yet.
President of UEN JSC also nodded that the Russian Company considered different versions of the future filial of the International UEN JSC holding during the reform of the Russian energy system. He also informed that in 2007 UEN JSC plans make a decision on synchronization of the energy systems of Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia.
It is also worthy to mention that on Friday meeting the members of the CIS EPC reelected Chubays to be the president of the council for another two years .