The Caspian Engineers Society - CES is organizing its first annual forum on 24th of November, 2012. The forum is sponsored by Azerbaijan Youth Foundation. The main objectives of the forum are to overview popular engineering topics related to education and industry as well as to broaden the engineering network. The forum is a good opportunity for young engineers and student to discuss engineering topics with representatives from the government, companies from the industry and international engineering organizations.
The key topics that are going to be covered during the forum are the following:
- Engineering education: degree programs, accreditation & qualification directives
- Career paths for young engineers: competencies and development programs
- Engineering practices and standards application
- Engineering capacity building in projects, operations and maintenance
- Technical Integrity, Process Safety and HSE strategies
Forum also aims to develop engineering network among young engineers working in various
companies, introduce the potential behind the young Azerbaijani engineers to international engineering organizations and build a bridge between universities and the industry.
The CESF Organizational Committee will announce Annual Engineering Award Winners at the
end of the event day in engineering award ceremony. To apply for engineering awards please
visit CES web page starting 6th of October. Winners will be selected only among the applicants.
Detailed agenda for the forum and key speakers from international engineering organizations will be announced within 2 weeks. More info about CESF will be available on the CES web site
www.thecesworld.org starting October 6th.