TODAY.AZ / World news

U.S. welcomes Georgia’s flexibility in talks with Russia on WTO

04 November 2011 [13:41] - TODAY.AZ
The United States welcomes the flexibility and reasonableness with which the Georgian side approached the negotiations with Russia on the latter's joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), Georgian Parliamentary Speaker David Bakradze said after meeting with U.S. congressmen in Washington.

During his working visit to the U.S., Bakradze met with influential congressmen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Allyson Schwartz, as well as the official representative of the Department of State William Burns.

Mr. Bakradze said the parties discussed the Georgian-U.S. cooperation and Russian-Georgian relations.

He added that the congressmen now discuss two documents - resolution to support Georgia's territorial integrity and free trade agreement with Georgia.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen expressed satisfaction with the meeting with the Georgian delegation and noted that the draft resolution regarding the territorial integrity of Georgia "will soon be ready".

The Georgian delegation has already left Washington for Boston, where Bakradze read lectures on reforms in Georgia at Harvard.


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