TODAY.AZ / Politics

YAP holds National Salvation Day conference

11 June 2009 [14:41] - TODAY.AZ
The women council of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party held a conference in connection with the Day of National Salvation, according to the press service for the party.
As is reported, speaking at the event, chairman of the council Nurlana Aliyev recalled the great contribution of national leader Heydar Aliyev before the Azerbaijani people.

In turn, Deputy of Milli Medjlis Elmira Suleymanova noted that Heydar Aliyev's arrival in Baku saved Azerbaijan from split.

Rector of the State University of Architecture and Construction Gulchohra Mamedova, MP Gular Ahmedova, deputy chairman of the women's council Mahabbet Ibrahimova spoke at the session.

It was noted that today working president Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the policy laid by the national leader.

The event ended in a concert.


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