TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani parliamentarian against construction of new nuclear power plant in Armenia

09 June 2009 [13:40] - TODAY.AZ
The construction of a nuclear power plant in Armenia threatens security of the whole world, said MP Malahat Hasanova during a plenary session of the parliament Tuesday, according to Interfax-Azerbaijan.

"The Milli Medjlis should send a demand to IAEA and other international organizations to prevent construction of a new nuclear power plant in Armenia".

"As is known, Armenia is a seismically active area, therefore, the construction of such a powerful power plant is threatening to security of the whole world", added the deputy.
She said on May 20 the Armenian government declared a company winning the tender for construction of a new energy unit of existing Metsamor nuclear power plant. She also noted that under the tender provisions the volume of investments of the contractor company will make $5 bln.

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