TODAY.AZ / Politics

Human Rights Commissioner’s representatives visit Defense Ministry units

06 June 2009 [10:15] - TODAY.AZ
Representatives of the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsperson) of Azerbaijan, including chief of the servicemen’ rights sector of the Ombudsperson Office Rauf Aliyev visited several military units under the Defense Ministry, Ombudsperson press service told APA.
The human rights defenders met at first with the officers and soldiers of the Air Force N unit and informed them that the office sent necessary documents to the law-enforcement organizations for investigation and prevention of law violations in the military units and these issues were addressed in the Human Rights Commissioner’s annual reports as well. They said the Human Rights Commissioner underlined the necessity of public control over the army. She urged to involve the military experts, parents of the servicemen and representatives of the civil society in this process. The human rights defenders visited the military police unit in Kurdamir and looked at the food supplies and bedrooms of the servicemen.


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