TODAY.AZ / Politics

Representative of Iran's Ayatollah refutes information about his interrogation in Azerbaijan

05 June 2009 [14:35] - TODAY.AZ
Representative of supreme leader of Iran in Azerbaijan denied information about his interrogation in the of National Security Ministry.
"I deny the information released by Azerbaijani media that I was interrogated in the National Security Ministry, representative of supreme leader of Iran in Azerbaijan Aliakper Ojagnezhad told Trend News on Junt 5.

On June 2, Azerbaijani media released information about official of the Iranian Embassy in Baku was called to the National Security Ministry. According to the press, former head of the Culture Center of the Iranian Embassy in Azerbaijan Aliakper Ojagnezhad was delivered to the Ministry, where he was interrogated. Government agencies are held under the control of the Shiite community, citizens of Azerbaijan, who has connections with the Center, local media told.

According to Odzjagnezhad, such messages are distributed intentionally and purposefully in the interest of certain people.

/Trend News/

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