TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenians violate ceasefire in four regions

28 April 2009 [10:03] - TODAY.AZ
Armenians violated ceasefire again.
Armenian armed forces fired at Azerbaijani armed forces on nameless heights of Gazakh and Tovuz, as well as near Alibeyli, Kokhanabi and Aghbulag villages of Tovuz, Azerbaijan from their posts on nameless heights and near Mosesgeh and Chinarli villages of Berd, Vazashen village of Ijevan, Armenia at different hours on April 27.

Also, the Armenian Armed Forces fired at Azerbaijani positions locating just opposite their posts on nameless heights of Khojavend and Jojugmarcanly village of Cebrail at different hours on April 27 and 28.

Armenians were stopped by response fire. No casualties were reported.



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