TODAY.AZ / Politics

The issue of Azerbaijan or Nagorno Karabakh has never been discussed in our relations with Turkey: Armenian President

27 April 2009 [09:14] - TODAY.AZ
The Council of National Security of Armenia with participation of country's president Serzh Sargsyan held a session in Yerevan Saturday.
Serzh Sargsyan familiarized the members of the Council of National Security with the process of talks on normalization of the Armenian-Turkish ties voicing confidence that this process will be supported by the Armenian people.

He noted that the joint statement adopted by the Foreign Ministries of Armenia, Turkey and Switzerland on the night of April 23 fixes efforts aimed at the improvement of the Armenian-Turkish relations, according to the press service for the Armenian President.

As for the link between the Armenian-Turkish and Turkish-Azerbaijani relations, he announced:

"I would repeat once again - the issue of Azerbaijan or Nagorno Karabakh has never been discussed in our relations with Turkey. The improvement of the Armenian-Turkish relations can have a positive influence for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict but it can not be a provision".

"The improvement of ties with Turkey does not hinder the international recognition of the "Armenian genocide" in the Osman empire", continued the Armenian leader.

"The President of Armenia has stated repeatedly that establishment of ties with Turkey does not mean disavowal of "genocide" or any doubts about this fact", said the Armenian President.



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