TODAY.AZ / Politics

2008 - presidential elections are unique for lack of alternative in the whole history of independent Azerbaijan

11 October 2008 [09:42] - TODAY.AZ
Independent political scientist Rasim Aghayev assess the upcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan as the most non-competitive since Azerbaijan gained independence in 1991.
"Presidential elections, which will be held on October 15 of 2008, sharply differ from 1991 presidential elections, not speaking of elections of 1992, 1998 and 2003 due to the lack of alternative", he told Novosti-Azerbaijan Friday.

Such a situation is mostly the fault of the opposition which was unable to prepare an alternative for powers through the long years of its existence.

"Moreover, Azerbaijani opposition is inflected with totalitarianism. A leader of any opposition party becomes unavailable for ordinary member of the party, who is impossible to be replaced. Therefore, through the whole period of existence of independent Azerbaijan opposition has the only normal, charismatic leader - Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibey)", noted the political scientist.

Aghayev is confident that due to the absence of a normal leader, opposition is currently in a poor state and obliged to boycott elections, as it is merely unable to take part in them.

Another cause of the established election situation is a behavior of the powers, considers the expert,

"Not seeing a real alternative and a threat to their own power, the current government does not care about holding an active electoral campaign and does not take any special efforts", considers Aghayev,

According to the political scientist, the position, taken by the powers, is incorrect, as such non-competitive elections cause disappointment in democracy and in the process, leading the society to progress, among people.

"It would be better for powers to create some alternative oppositions and structures. For example, they could invite famous and influential people in Azerbaijan, who are able to present interesting programs to the society, demonstrate alternative approaches to the settlement of the problems", concluded Aghayev.



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