In the threshold of Ramadan holiday Aztelecom will launch new communication objects in different regions of the country, said a source from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan.
An e-ATS of DS-200 type for 512/60 numbers will be launched in Viyen village of Lenkoran, ATS for 256/30 numbers in settlement No 9 of the Bilesuvar region for internally displaced persons from Jabrail, 160/30 numbers in Galagayi village of Sabirabad, 512/69 in Bakhrampete village of Imishli, 128/30 numbers in Qaradaghly village of Terter, 256/30 numbers in Bunud village of Gabala, 128/30 numbers in Togan village of Goygol, 512/30 and 516/30 numbers in Gashgay and Marsan villages of Qazakh, 256/30 numbers for Vel-Vel village of Guba.
All villages of Azerbaijan are to be telephonized by the end of this year.