TODAY.AZ / Politics

Aqshin Mehtiyev: "The main achievement of Azerbaijani diplomacy is that world society respects us and takes our opinion into account"

09 July 2008 [09:20] - TODAY.AZ
Day.Az interview with permanent representative of Azerbaijan in UN Aqshin Mehtiyev.
- How would you comment on the third session of diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan?

- Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov speaking at the session informed about the work carried out by the Ministry and embassies. He was followed by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who spoke of the tasks, facing the diplomatic service, main trends of external policy of Azerbaijan and main issues due to be settled.

- Have the previous two sessions helped the work of the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan?

- Such sessions have a great influence and use for the further work. They allow us meet with the country's leadership, Foreign Ministry. other state structures and exchange views, voice their positions and hear useful recommendations.

- How was Azerbaijani position influenced by the UN adoption of the well-known resolution on the situation in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan?

- The adoption of the said resolution was accepted as a victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy. After its adoption, even representatives of the countries, who abstained from voting, came up to us and congratulated us with a great victory. Azerbaijan has already passed the stage of diplomacy, when we had to introduce ourselves to everyone. All know us and take our opinion into account at the moment. We can say our word whenever and wherever we need.

- The resolution fixes that the UN Secretary General should prepare a report on the basis of the resolution and introduce it during the next session of the UN General Assembly, which means there will be next voting on this document. Which work is carried out in this direction?

- I think the document will be ready by the end of this year or in early 2009. Naturally, after report is presented it will be discussed. Voting on the resolution will be held by results of discussions. Presently, it is early to speak about the resolution, though everyone should know that work in this direction is held every day and every hour both in Baku and in New York.

- What do you think is your main task as a representative of Azerbaijan in UN?

- Naturally, the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is the main issue. This task is primary not only for me but for the whole Azerbaijani diplomacy.

- As is known, Armenian side tries to carry out definite work against Azerbaijan on all levels. How is the situation in this sphere?

- I think you will understand me correctly: today the Armenian diplomacy is too week. It is being defeated again and again. I think they have not managed to attain anything.

- Do you mean on the UN level or in general?

- Both on the UN level and everywhere. As they have been dealing with these issues for decades, while we have just started the activity, you can imagine on which level they should be. Under the leadership of the Azerbaijani president and fulfilling his instructions, we have initiated diplomatic attack and results of this activity is obvious. We have attained positive results both on the UN level and on the level of NATO and other international organizations.

- What can you say about the work on the resolution regarding situation with frozen conflicts in the territories of the GUAM member-states and how do you assess cooperation with representatives of these countries in UN?

- We are closely cooperating. The resolution on the situation with frozen conflicts in the territories of the GUAM member-states remains on the agenda. The resolution regarding situation of refugees in Georgia has been recently adopted in the framework of the agenda point on frozen conflicts in the territories of the GUAM states. One of the points of this resolution fixes that the issue of frozen conflicts in the GUAM area should be included to the agenda of the next 63dr session of the UN General Assembly. We are holding consultations with the leading partners in the international arena and we arrange our activity on the basis of the results of the said consultations.

- What can you say about the level of our diplomacy, what have attained and what is missing?

- If speaking about what is missing I can sress the lack of specialists, which is clear as Azerbaijan gained independence just 17 years ago and for this period it would have been impossible to conduct the complete training of specialists. But these are temporary difficulties., as the Diplomatic Academy will soon function by its full capacity.

As for the achievements of the Azerbaijani diplomacy, I can state that most countries have previously not known anything about Azerbaijan and Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, while know everyone knows us. As I have previously mentioned, our opinion is taken into account, which is a result of wise external policy of our President. 



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