TODAY.AZ / Politics

Yashar Jafarli: "The upcoming military parade is a demonstration of Azerbaijan's military potential not only to Armenia but to all forces, involved into Karabakh conflict"

23 June 2008 [13:12] - TODAY.AZ
Day.Az interview with Yashar Jafarli, chairman of the Azerbaijan public association "Retired officers".
- A military parade on the 90th anniversary of the national armed forces will be held in Azerbaijan this week. It has already been announced that the unprecedented parade in the history of our country will feature new technique of all kinds of armed forces. What is it- a tribute to the jubilee event or demonstration of its power to the enemy?

- This is a multi-mission event. Naturally, one of the tasks of this event is a demonstration of power not only to its enemy but to the entire region, the whole world. You see the conflict involves not only two parties, regional countries, but also international organizations, beginning from UN and up to the OSCE. Therefore, the head of state, declaring possible resumption of hostilities with Armenia, in case the potential of the peaceful resolution of the conflict is exhausted, wants to prove that these words are not unfounded.

On the other hand, the parade also has other purposes. People demand public control over the armed forces, demands report from its government about the use of financial means, allocated for defense. Naturally, the government must demonstrate the response to these questions.

Furthermore, parade requirement definite readiness from the personal staff of the armed forces and military technique. To march in rows and columns requires readiness, Thus, it is also the training of personal staff.

- Is the army well-equipped to impress the world and primarily Armenia?

- Certainly. We have more military facilities and it is better than that of Armenia. You see, economic potential of a country plays a decisive role and economically we are incomparably stronger than our enemy and by all parameters we are the strongest state in the region. This is also recognized by all international organizations and even our enemies.

- Day.Az is holding a poll: "Can the military parade be held in Azerbaijan until the occupied lands are not liberated?" in the threshold of the parade. Readers are offered three options: 1.Yes, because it raises military spirits of the population. 2. No, our military potential should be demonstrated on the battle fields. 3. It does not matter to me. The first two answers are almost on equally popular among readers. And how you would answer this question?

- Of course, I support the first option. The parade is needed to demonstrate our power to our enemies.

- Do you think this demonstration of power can influence the process of Azerbaijani-Armenian negotiations on the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict?

- Yes, I am sure it will. Therefore, I support such actions, in our conditions it is necessary.

- Do you think military parades of such a scale should be held regularly, or at least more often than they are held in the past few years, from jubilee to jubilee?

- Sure, they should become more frequent. Azerbaijan along with the transitive period of its development is in a state of war with Armenia. Our lands are still under occupation and until the situation is preserved, it is necessary to hold large scale actions of such kind at least once a year and military actions of local concern, dated to holidays, can be held in different regions, including frontier area, more frequently.



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