TODAY.AZ / Politics

Elin Suleymanov: "Barak Obama is really close to becoming a candidate from the Democratic Party"

23 May 2008 [15:48] - TODAY.AZ
Day.Az interview with Azerbaijan's consul general in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov.
- How would you comment on information of various mass medias, which state that Barak Obama is close to becoming a candidate to US President from the Democratic Party?

- I would like to mention that I will speak as an exterior observer, as being representatives of foreign countries, we do not interfere with the internal political processes in the United States. At the same time, like most other diplomats, accredited in the United States, we are observing the election campaign with great interest. Though election of politicians is an internal affair of Americans, everyone realizes that Washington's policy has a great influence both on the international climate and the bilateral relations with each US partner country.

In this context, I would like to share some personal observations. On the whole, the US press mostly adhering to liberal outlooks, highlights Obama more positively that other candidates. At the same time, Obama is really close to becoming a candidate from the Democratic Party.

- How would you explain the popularity of this politician?

- I think a number of factors play a role in this issue, for example, the reduced popularity of the Republicans party which in turn increases chances of democrats. Obama himself is a young politician of afro-American origin is an unusual candidate for position of the president. This and his declamatory abilities promoted his popularity.

He successfully positioned himself as a candidate of changes, which complies with the moods in the American society. It is important that he has appeared not too long on a national political arena of the United States and voters and not so much informed about him. This strengthens his image of a candidate of changes and doubts regarding sufficient experience to govern the country.

- How great are his chances to become the US president?

- This will be shown by the US voters in November. As is seen, the election campaign this year is unpredictable so I will abstain from any forecasts.

- What is the difference between his promises and the promises of the candidate from Republicans, senator McCain?

- There are serious differences between senators McCain and Obama and between McCain and senator Klinton both in the internal and external policy. Perhaps, the problem is not the promises but the possibility of their execution in case of victory of one of the candidates.

I would like to note that some promises made during the campaign by each of the candidates, are quite unreal. This is more likely an attempt to voice issues, important for candidate. Voters seem to be aware that the common trend and priority of the policy of candidates and not the obligatory execution of each definite promise.

- Do you think the US President will recognize the 1915 events in the Osman Turkey as "a genocide of Armenians" in period of presidency of those, fighting now for the post of the US head of state?

- Practice shows that different US Administrations are aware of the importance of relations of Turkey-one of the most reliable allies of the United States, and abstain from accusations of the so called "genocide". At the same time, the Armenian diaspora has intensified its activity on the issue and the pressure on different level politicians.

Thus, I would not like to make definite forecasts in this case. Certainly, the assessment of the 1915 events in the Osman empire has nothing to do with history and reflects political interesys of definite politicians. Unfortunately, the leaders of Armenian diaspora are more interested in it than the development of Armenia and even more than the long-term interests of the United States in our region.

- It is said in Azerbaijan that Obama's inauguration would increase US pressure on Azerbaijan in the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Is it true?

- Everything will depend on who will win the presidential elections in the United States. Both Washington and the United States are aware of the importance of strategic partner relations with Azerbaijan. In this context, pressure on Azerbaijan is not a productive form of building relations.

As for the US efforts to assist in the peaceful resolution of the conflict, the best approach for our US friends is a support of the model of fair resolution on the basis of international law. This means not pressure but equal dialogue.

Moreover, with all my respect to mediators I consider that the most important factors of the conflict resolution lie in our region, but not out of its bounds. I do hope that the realities of the region development, in particular Azerbaijan, will help the Armenian side realize the lack of prospects of ethnic expansion and self-isolation on the one hand and dividends of cooperation on the other hand.



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