TODAY.AZ / Politics

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen: "Armenian press has distorted information, spread in our name" - UPDATED

18 January 2008 [13:18] - TODAY.AZ
The co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk group have arrived in Baku today.


"The parties of Nagorno Garabagh conflict need time to think over", OSCE Minsk Group co-chairman Bernard Fassier told reporters in Baku, commenting on the negotiation process.

"Time is necessary to assess the details, problems and proposals. Therefore, we do not have any calendar, especially for this year, considering presidential elections both in Azerbaijan and in Armenia", he said.

According to him, the proposals must be negotiated. "Perhaps, they should be improved. Anyway, it would be better if the Presidents approve these proposals after presidential elections, if not now".

Speaking about the positions of the sides, Fassier noted that each party prefers to express attitude to the problems, which do not suit it and does not say what suits it. "Therefore, we want time for assessment", the co-chairman concluded.

US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza opposed the information of the Armenian press, according to which he criticized the slogan "Two states-one nation" and the policy in this direction, noting that misunderstanding occured.

"I have never said that. This is Turkey's policy and, perhaps, Azerbaijan's and I do not have a right to demand to change it. I have just mentioned the fact of such policy in Ankara and someone misinterpreted my words", M.Bryza said.


US mediator Matthew Bryza told reporters that they held discussions with President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan.

He regarded the talks in Armenia as constructive, however, according to him much is left to be done.

"It is difficult to speak about achieving any agreement before presidential elections in Armenia to be held in February. The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia is planned. It is important that the co-chairmen and sides have time to continue discussions", the US diplomat said.

Commenting on his statements regarding the relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, M.Bryza said that his words had been distorted.

Commenting on the fact that the mediators went to Khankendi from Armenia, but not from Azerbaijan, Bryza announced that this route is more comfortable: "It is a bit difficult to pass there from Azerbaijan. We are always asking for Azerbaijan's permission, when passing to Khankendi from Armenia.

Matthew Bryza noted that the presidents and foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia are informed about the details of the talks: "However, the sides have a right to share this information. Perhaps, Armenia will inform the representatives of Nagorno Garabagh".

French co-chairman Bernard Fassier noted that the discussions held both in Yerevan and Khankendi were constructive and interesting: "I hope that we will be able to continue our work. This work will base on proposals, introduced to the sides in Madrid. These proposals have been explained to the sides and we have familiarized with the position of the sides on this issue. We have mentioned that it will take time to consider the positions of the sides".

The co-chairman compared this issue with looking at a picture at a distance and closer: "For example, when looking at the picture from a close distance, it is possible to see only one detail, while when it is far away, more details are seen. We would like to see the results of the talks from such point of view".

In turn, Russian co-chairman Yuri Merzlyakov commented on information on basic principles, published in Armenian press in his name: "I have never said that. If it had been like that, we would not have returned here. Positions of Azerbaijan and Armenia do not coincide on a number of points. We have proposed to hold a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the two countries so far".

Commenting on the proposals of the co-chairmen on the involvement of Nagorno Garabagh to the negotiation process, Y.Merzlyakov said that these statements had also been distorted: "We have mentioned repeatedly that all the parties must take part in the discussions only after basic principles are coordinated".

Speaking about the participation of the Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Garabagh in the discussions, the Russian diplomat said that this is an internal matter of Azerbaijan. If Azerbaijan wants, the Azerbaijani community may take part in the discussions.


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