A single public network of Azerbaijanis residing in the United States has commenced operation.

The network is called U.S. Azeris Network and aims to familiarize the US citizens of Azerbaijani origin, Green Card owners, students, Diaspora organizations and experts on the region with processes, connected with our country.
According to the chief executive of the project Adil Bagirov, the information on US-Azerbaijani issues is available at www.usazeris.org.
By means of this website, Azerbaijanis, who have a right to elect and be elected, will be able to contact their congressmen, senators, officials of the cities of residence, and appeal to them with various questions.
Adil Bagirov noted that the discussed project is financed by Azerbaijanis, residing in the United States and registered as a non-profit non-partisan organization.
The project envisions systematic work on the information and enlightenment of our fellow citizens, their unification and arrangement of joint actions.
Adil Bagirov noted that "U.S.Azeris Network" covers the entire territory of the United States and will be useful for migrant Azerbaijanis and representatives of other nations, as well as Turkic peoples.
It should be noted that such networks are also used by other structures of the US Diaspora organizations.