TODAY.AZ / Politics

Top French envoy visits Turkey amid differences over EU membership bid

30 May 2007 [09:47] - TODAY.AZ
French President Nicolas Sarkozy sent his top diplomatic envoy to Turkey after the Turkish prime minister called for better communications with Paris, Sarkozy's office said Tuesday.

The visit by Jean-David Levitte, France's former ambassador to the United States and now Sarkozy's chief international adviser, follows efforts by Ankara to keep Turkey's European Union membership bid on track despite opposition from Sarkozy.

The French leader's office had not officially announced the visit, but confirmed Tuesday that it took place Friday and Saturday.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed the visit, but said he did not meet the French envoy.

Erdogan said the visit was decided in a conversation with Sarkozy during which, he said, the two agreed Turkey and France were strategic partners in many areas and needed to improve communication.

"There is a communication problem between us," Erdogan told private NTV television in an interview on Thursday. "It partly stems from us and partly from them. We need to express ourselves better to the French public. I believe, from now our relations will be better."

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said Levitte discussed bilateral ties with diplomats and advisers to Erdogan.

A French diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the trip was aimed at finding "a way to work with Turkey."

France's daily Le Figaro said Tuesday that Sarkozy would not try to block the expected opening June 26 of three new areas of negotiations between the EU and Ankara.

Sarkozy said in Brussels last week that he would put aside the Turkish question for now, until the EU resolves what to do with its constitution. Sarkozy is apparently trying to ensure that his push for a streamlined EU constitution is not hindered by the conflict over Turkey's membership bid.

EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn welcomed Sarkozy's action on the matter.

In an interview in Le Figaro released Tuesday, Rehn said, "The new French president has shown a responsible attitude" on Turkey.

Sarkozy's stance on Turkey runs against a majority of EU leaders who back entry negotiations with Ankara.

Turkey's EU negotiations are now on a slow track after it refused last year to implement a customs union pact with EU member Cyprus, which Ankara does not recognize. The Associated Press

/The International Herald Tribune/


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