TODAY.AZ / Politics

Bryza says it is possible to sign a peace treaty on Karabakh in 2007

25 January 2007 [18:50] - TODAY.AZ
During consultations with Azeri authorities the main principles of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement were discussed, as well as energy issues, stated American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza in the airport of Baku.

In his words, the Azeri foreign minister treats the talks seriously and constructively, which allows to hope reaching agreements in the current year.

The American Co-Chair says it is possible to sign a peace treaty on Karabakh in 2007, but some problems must be solved. Alongside, M. Bryza added that Armenia and Azerbaijan are seriously protecting their interests during the negotiations, but in constructive atmosphere, Azeri newspaper 'Zerkalo' reports.



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