TODAY.AZ / Society

Mejid Mammadov: "Boris Eyyubov and Ruslan Ikushov bodies were not examined"

17 November 2006 [01:46] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan's Court of Grave Crimes continued the trial of the gang led by Haji Mammadov, former high ranking official of the Interior Ministry Crime Investigation Department.

Nazim Letifov, the chief of investigation group formed for searching Aslanbek Chintamirov's house, gave testimony. He said that he gave testimony to the investigation about taken measures. "We took the guard with ourselves and ordered him to knock on the door saying that neighbour's house was filled with water. He did as we told and the door was opened. We searched the flat with the participation of the case-witnesses. Makarov pistol and some cartridges were found in the phone box in one of the rooms. A saber and white substance was found in the bath-room. The investigator drew up a statement of the case. After it, we took Aslanbek to the NSM," he said.

Chintamirov approved that the pistol belongs to him, but he denied the narcotic substance found in his house. He also said that the ministry invited own men to participate as the witness.

The worker of Forensic Medical examination Fakhraddin Abbasov gave testimony on Novruz Ismayilov's murder. "We held post-mortem examination and made our decision after it. The body rotted wholly. But the features showed that he died in short time," he said.

The chief of Garadagh Forensic Medical Examination Mejid Mammadov gave testimony on the episode of Dilber Novruzova, Boris Eyyubov and Ruslan Ikushov's murders. He said that the bodies were not examined. "When I came to work early morning there were three bodies. I could examine only woman's body. I was told that Chechens do not examine the bodies by their traditions. That is why I wrote that I can not make any decision. I spoke over the telephone with Salman Mammadli the deputy of the Garadagh Prosecutor. He said that Zakir Nasirov told not to examine Chechen's bodies and make decision," he said.

Answering Haji Mammadov's questions, he said that there was not any sign of handcuffs on their arms, APA reports.


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