TODAY.AZ / Business

ATA Holding joins FIH as sponsor

23 October 2006 [15:38] - TODAY.AZ
ATA Holding recently joined the International Hockey Federation (FIH) as one of their major sponsors.

The industrial conglomerate from Azerbaijan signed a contract with the FIH for a four year period, which means that ATA Holding will be FIH partner from 2007 until 2010. The FIH and the representatives of ATA Holding signed the contract during the Samsung Women's World Cup in Madrid, Spain early October.

ATA Holding is a new sponsor for the FIH and the first ever one from Eastern Europe. The company from Azerbaijan will be the official FIH partner in the sectors of tourism and insurance. The partnership will involve ATA Holding in all of FIH's 29 major events over the four-year period. ATA Holding, a company that operates worldwide, will be the title sponsor of the 2007 Women's Champions Challenge to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 9-17 June 2007. Furthermore, ATA Holding will be the title sponsor of the 2010 Women's World Cup Qualifier.

"We are glad to have ATA Holding as our new partner," FIH President Els van Breda Vriesman stated. "The FIH is a global organization and that's why we are happy to reach a partnership with a company from a different territory as our current sponsors."

"We are sure that the partnership with FIH will have an enormous positive outcome for ATA Holding and for the development of the Hockey Sport in Azerbaijan," Hakan Ozalpay, Chairman of Executive Board of ATA Holding, said.



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