TODAY.AZ / Politics

Bush urges Iran to respond faster on nuclear offer

21 June 2006 [20:59] - TODAY.AZ
President Bush said on Wednesday Iran was taking too long to respond to an offer of incentives to halt nuclear work that could lead to atomic weapons, and urged it to reply within weeks.

According to Reuters, responding to a suggestion by Iran that it would respond to the major powers' proposals by August 22, Bush said: "It should not take the Iranians that long to analyze what is a reasonable deal. I said weeks, not months."

Bush was speaking at a news conference in Vienna after a summit with leaders of the European Union which, together with Russia and China, has backed Bush in his drive to ensure Iran does not develop a nuclear arsenal.

Bush hoped in Vienna to ensure the threat of punishment such as U.N. sanctions remains strong if Iran does not abandon nuclear enrichment, a step in the production of nuclear arms, in return for the offer of incentives made on June 6.

"We have agreed that if Iran decides not to engage in negotiations, further steps would be taken in the Security Council. We urge Iran to take the positive path," the EU and United States said in a joint statement after their talks.

Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel, whose country holds the EU presidency, said: "It's better we agree as soon as possible. Time is limited. We should not play with time."


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