TODAY.AZ / Politics

FM holds bilaterial meetings

21 June 2006 [14:11] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has held some meetings on the sidelines of the 33rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's press-service reported.

In the meeting between E. Mammadyarov and Foreign Minister of Lebanon Fawzi Salloukh, the sides discussed political, economic cooperation and shared their views on the situation in the region, AzerTAg reports.

E. Mammadyarov updated his Lebanese counterpart on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict and negotiations aimed at settling this conflict.

F. Salloukh hoped that bilateral relations will be further developed, saying that he attaches a great importance to cooperation between the two countries.

Speaking of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Lebanese Foreign Minister said that he supports territorial integrity of the countries and inviolability of frontiers and stressed that Lebanon will never recognize so-called "Nagorno Karabakh Republic".


The discussion at the meeting between Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan E. Mammadyarov and Foreign Minister of Malaysia Syed Hamid Albar revolved around economic, political cooperation, in particular, cooperation in tourism sector. The parties noted that trade turnover between the countries remains below the potential.

E. Mammadyarov said that there is no political discrepancy between the countries and expressed hope that embassy of Azerbaijan will soon be opened in Malaysia.

During the meeting, the Foreign Ministers shared their views on the discussions held at the Baku session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, possibilities for cooperation within the organization as well as regional and global issues.


At the meeting between Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan E. Mammadyarov and Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand Kantathi Suphamongkhon, the discussions addressed the state of bilateral relations, diplomatic mission issues, possibilities for developing cooperation within the OIC and other questions.

During the meeting, the sides signed the protocol on cooperation between the foreign ministries of Azerbaijan Republic and Kingdom of Thailand.


Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mohammed Hussein Al Shaali. During the meeting, the sides highlighted the importance of political, economic cooperation and stressed the need for enhancing bilateral relations.

It was said during the meeting that Azerbaijan attaches the great importance the UAE's experience towards oil policy and free economic zones.

Then, the meeting focused on other issues of mutual interest.


During the meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Andrey Denisov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov updated his Russian counterpart on the work Azerbaijani side has done to continue talks aimed at resolving Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Then, the sides discussed the possibilities for developing cooperation between the two counties, ensuring stability and security in the South Caucasus and Caspian region as well as Russian Year in Azerbaijan and other issues of mutual interest.


In his meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hasan Wirajuda, Elmar Mammadyarov stressed that political relations between the two countries reached the high level.

Hasan Wirajuda expressed his gratitude to the Azerbaijani government for providing technical and financial support to Indonesia quake victims.

He expressed hope that the Indonesian Embassy will soon be opened in Baku.

The sides also discussed prospects of bilateral cooperation within the Organization of Islamic Conference.

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Discussions between Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov and Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Marc Perrin de Brichambaut focused on activity of Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, and peaceful solution to Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh.

Elmar Mammadyarov said Armenia's withdrawal from the occupied Azerbaijani territories and return of refugees and internally displaced persons back to their homeland is the major principle of the peaceful solution to the dispute.

Azeri Minister said Armenia's non-constructive stance on the conflict hinders its solution.

Marc Perrin de Brichambaut stressed the importance of returning refugees and internally displaced persons to their homeland, describing it as their legal right.

Mr. Mammadyarov also expressed concern over the fact that Armenians set on fire the area along the frontline and stressed the need for this issue to be investigated at the level of special representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office.


The meeting between Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and Deputy Foreign Minister of Libya Mohammad Al Barani revolved around the improvement of bilateral ties between the two countries, and enhancement of cooperation within the Organization of Islamic Conference. Minister responded to Al Barani's questions concerning socio-political and economic processes in Azerbaijan.

The sides stressed the importance of intensifying the bilateral political and economic relations.


Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov also met with Philippines’ Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo.

Mr. Ramulo expressed his gratitude to the Azerbaijani government for creating conditions for Philippines to participate in the 33rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

Alberto Romulo said there are a lot of businessmen in his country, who want to establish trade relations with their Azerbaijani counterparts.

Minister Elmar Mammadyarov noted Azerbaijan is keen to develop ties between the two countries, and stressed the importance of further intensifying the bilateral cooperation within international organizations.

Philippines' Foreign Affairs Secretary invited Elmar Mammadyarov to visit his country.


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