TODAY.AZ / Politics

Prosecutor General: "No Armenian POWs in Azerbaijan"

10 June 2006 [14:21] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan's Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov received the delegation led by Leo Platvoet, rapporteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population of the Council of Europe Parlaimentary Assembly.

APA reports quoting the Prosecutor General's Office that Mr. Garalov first thanked to Mr. Platvoet, as head of the PACE election observation mission for his unbiased assessment of the partial re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.

He also stressed that Platvoet's new mission is related to a very sensitive issue adding that Armenia has been pursuing aggressive and genocide policy against Azerbaijan for over 20 years.

Garalov also reported that Azerbaijan's State Commission for Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons has registered 4,604 Azerbaijani persons as missing in the conflict zone. The investigation group, which was established three years ago for investigation into the crimes committed by Armenian armed forces during the undeclared war against Azerbaijan, interrogated 1,061 prisoners of war or hostages. The investigation proved that hundreds of people were killed, taken hostage and underwent torture during the invasion of Azerbaijan's town of Khojali, Meshali and Garadagli villages.

"The perpetrators of these crimes will stand our courts and also international courts if needed. No Armenian prisoner of war is held in Azerbaijan at present, we are read to any international monitoring of this issue. If Armenian side has evidences on that, the Azerbaijani side is prepared to conduct relevant investigations," the Prosecutor General noted.

Expressing his satisfaction with the meeting, Leo Platvoet said as the head of the mission for missing persons, while in Armenia he was given no official documents proving holding of any Armenian prisoners of war or hostages in Azerbaijan. The rapporteur noted that in his further activity, he will take into account the information and issues raised by the Prosecutor General.


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