TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan's Ombudsman Office, ICRC organise seminar in Masalli district

22 May 2024 [10:56] - TODAY.AZ
Fatime Letifova

A seminar on "Practical aspects of the protection of the rights of special categories of persons within the framework of international humanitarian law" was held at the Southern Regional Centre of the Ombudsman in the city of Masalli, jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Azerbaijan, Azernews reports.

Employees of law enforcement agencies and relevant state institutions, including the structural divisions of those institutions, participated in the event organised to improve the quality of professional development in the field of human rights within the framework of "Human Rights Month".

At the event, the head of the Office of the Ombudsman, Ayd?n Safikhanli, and the head of the ICRC Representation in Azerbaijan, Dragana Kojic, made an opening speech and emphasised the features of the protection of the rights of various population groups at the level of international humanitarian law.

Later, local and international trainers spoke on various topical issues and discussed with the participants the institutionalisation of the application of international humanitarian law and the role of national institutions.

At the seminar, in addition to ICRC experts, Rashid Rumzadeh, deputy head of the Ombudsman Office, Mugalib Mahmudov, head of the legal education sector, and Aydan Talibova, chief adviser of that sector, discussed "The detention mandate and activities of the Ombudsman Office in the context of international humanitarian law and national legislation", "The missing Ombudsman Office activities in the field of support for fallen families", "the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" and activities of the Ombudsman Office to support landmine victims" were presented.

The questions of the event participants were answered during the sessions, and certificates were presented to them at the end.


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