TODAY.AZ / World news

China protest to Republic of Korea and Japan

22 May 2024 [08:00] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

Beijing protested to Seoul and Tokyo in connection with the visit of South Korean and Japanese lawmakers to the inauguration ceremony of the head of the Taiwanese administration, Lai Qingde, in Taipei, Azernews reports.

The Chinese Embassy in Seoul said that the visit to Taiwan by a delegation of South Korean lawmakers "grossly violates the principle of "one China" and the spirit of the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea."

"We call on the Republic of Korea to respect the one-China principle, refrain from any interference in China's internal affairs, from any support for separatist forces advocating Taiwan independence, and take practical actions to protect the common interests of China and South Korea," the statement said.

"Japan has colonized Taiwan for a long time and has a serious historical responsibility in the Taiwan issue. She should be more careful in her words and deeds," the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo said, commenting on the visit of more than 30 lawmakers to Taipei. The diplomatic mission drew attention to the fact that the Japanese government and "some politicians" in Tokyo ignored China's strong protest and sent a completely erroneous signal to the Taiwan administration, thereby violating their obligations on the Taiwan issue.


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