TODAY.AZ / Politics

Some states increase their insidious interests in S Caucasus, says Azerbaijani diplomat

14 March 2024 [13:01] - TODAY.AZ
Fatime Letifova

Some states have increased their insidious interest in the South Caucasus region, Azernews reports, citing Tofig Musayev, Deputy Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN, as he said in his speech at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Promoting Conflict Prevention – Empowering All Actors, Including Women and Youth.

Musayev stated that for the establishment of lasting peace in the region, Armenia must strictly comply with its international obligations, give up territorial claims, and stop spreading disinformation: "Yerevan must eliminate the damage caused to Azerbaijan as a result of military aggression and occupation and participate responsibly in the process of normalising interstate relations."

Commenting on the history of the events in the region, Musayev reminded that the international community could not prevent the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan in the 90s of the last century and the occupation of its territories, the ethnic cleansing carried out by Yerevan, and the destruction of houses and cultural heritage: "The UN Security Council Resolutions No. 822, 853, 874, and 884 unanimously adopted in 1993 have not been implemented for 27 years."

The diplomat added that the impunity of systematic atrocities committed by the aggressor and the obvious deviation from the universally accepted principles of effective mediation of the negotiation process carried out within the framework of the regional organization paved the way for the prolongation of the conflict and the exacerbation of its military, humanitarian, and economic consequences: " After Azerbaijan asserted sovereignty and territorial integrity by liberating its lands from occupation and eliminating the threat of violent separatism, some states that turned a blind eye to the gross violation of human rights of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis who were displaced from their homeland as a result of decades of aggression and international law, increased their insidious interests in the region.

Musayev emphasised that Azerbaijan attaches special importance to the peace and security agenda and the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women and youth in the process: "We are proud of the contribution of Azerbaijani women to the peacekeeping activities of the UN and to national demining and development efforts after the conflict.”

“The mentioned diaries are also of special importance for my country in the context of ongoing large-scale reconstruction work in the liberated territories to ensure the safe return of internally displaced persons to their native places. Support and solidarity with the states affected by the conflict and engaged in post-conflict peacebuilding, rehabilitation, and demining is a priority and important commitment of the UN and the entire international community, and it must remain so,” the diplomat said.


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