TODAY.AZ / Politics

France is afraid of international criticism, says Director of CAGE International

09 March 2024 [17:25] - TODAY.AZ

The international community should increase pressure on France, Azernews reports, citing the managing director of the British organization CAGE International, Muhammad Abdur Rabbani, telling at the “Embracing Diversity: Tackling Islamophobia in 2024” international conference in Baku.

According to him, France is afraid of international criticism: "Considering that France will host the Summer Olympic Games, we must put pressure on them, because this country is very sensitive to criticism."

It is worth noting that the conference is jointly organized by the Baku International Center for Multiculturalism, the Center for the Analysis of International Relations, the G20 Interreligious Dialogue Forum and the Baku Initiative Group.

It should be noted that more than 130 international guests including scientists from 30 countries of the world, experts of international organizations, religious figures and representatives of non-governmental organizations are participating in the event.

On March 10, the conference participants are scheduled to visit Shusha, which has been declared the cultural capital of the Islamic world in 2024.

Recall that March 15 was first announced as the International Day of Combating Islamophobia on November 27-28, 2020 at the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Niamey, Niger. In 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted March 15 as the International Day of Combating Islamophobia.


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