TODAY.AZ / Politics

Brilliant move by Grandmaster - made all recognize its territory in silence

08 October 2023 [08:31] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

After losing its reputation in Africa, France chose a new direction to continue its policy of quasi-imperialism and colonialism. The direction was the Caucasus.

As the threat of separatism in the South Caucasus is averted, a new pressure mechanism is being created by France. This pressure mechanism is being applied to the region over Armenia. It is about France taking all the intelligence and security agencies of Armenia completely under its supervision. This step taken by France also indicates a new threat that may come to the South Caucasus.

This decision behind the French ideology of exerting influence on the African continent is purely economic, which in turn is part of the plans of the ruling clique, which includes the majority of the French ruling classes.

Having lost an important strategic pressure zone, the French authorities are facing huge problems both inside and outside the country on the eve of the winter season. Energy resources, which Europe needs very much, as well as the countries of the European Union, because of the long military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, where the West is involved with all hands and feet. They are shifting their gaze towards the Caucasus, where the main and significant player is Azerbaijan.

Staunch vassal Armenia adheres to the policy of the West and France, where it is important for the latter to keep the pressure on the Caucasus, as opposed to building up the forces of Turkiye and the Turkic World.

Mr. Pashinyan's eyes light up as he is told of his new salary from Brussels.

The existing system of the European Union has long lost faith in itself, and since long ago, has been building its policy only for the personal benefit of superiority in the world. After Azerbaijan's successful local anti-terrorist operation, the majority of Western players, as well as the European Union countries, reacted sharply to the late conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, namely, with a reaction of a purely jealous nature towards Azerbaijan. The Crusader Order appeared on the Caucasian horizon.

Azerbaijan's credibility with France is currently zero, where the latter has not contributed to the normalization of relations between Baku and Yerevan, but on the contrary, undermines and pushes the Armenian side to revanchist inclinations. The latest evidence of Paris' action in defense of Armenian interests is the announcement by the French Foreign Minister, Catherine Colonna, of the decision to bring the military-industrial complex in cooperation with Yerevan to a new level by starting to supply its de facto ally with arms and military equipment.

France will send military gear to Armenia – POLITICO

This is along with the donation of certain sums by European countries to "provide security" to the Armenians who left Garabagh. Adhering to a policy of double standards, the French authorities are thereby leading the region to possible future conflicts that the Crusader Order wants to unleash, as the Turkic world is gradually growing in power and the influence of some Western forces in the Caucasus is gradually losing strength.

Armenians have always looked for patrons to serve and do deeds to please the warmongers. This patron for Armenians was France in the person of Macron and the order of "crusaders".

The Armenian President, after the French Foreign Ministry's statement on increasing military cooperation between Yerevan and Paris, joyfully confirmed "France has expressed a strong desire to help us, to support us in increasing our defense potential"

The wave of hatred, which led to the pogroms of Jewish synagogues by Armenians, due to the sale of military equipment by Israel to Azerbaijan, again confirms the anti-Semitic tendencies of Armenians and their authorities, where the latter took the blame for the heinous deeds committed, in the person of the terrorist organization ASALA, owned by Armenians.

Synagogue vandalized in Armenia, apparently over Israeli-Azeri ties | The Times of Israel

France supports chaos along with other adherents of this ideology who for 33 years have not expressed their desire to stop the massacre committed by Armenians and their barbarism against the people of Azerbaijan. But they have expressed their desire to help the aggressor in opposing Azerbaijan in its restoration of territories and the return of millions of forced refugees to their native lands.

On 5 October, the European Commission, followed by the European Parliament, called on the European Union to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan because of its restoration of 100% jurisdiction over its territories. European officials propose to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan, for which they encourage and support Ukraine in every possible way. Double standards are on the face of it and are not new for corrupt EU officials.

Having been impressed by the EU, where a five-sided meeting on Garabagh in the format of Azerbaijan-Armenia-EU-Germany-France was to be held in Spanish Granada on 5 October, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev refused to participate because of France's biased pro-Armenian policy. Not inviting Turkiye, Azerbaijan refused, the EU lost, and in the end, the meeting of the quartet was silent and without comments, but they signed a joint declaration recognizing the territory of Azerbaijan. A brilliant move by the grandmaster.

Armenians were once again used as statisticians and pushed aside until they were needed again for someone else's chess game.

An Azerbaijani correspondent in Granada was able to catch and question the head of Euro diplomacy, Josep Borrell, while he was posing for photos, where he could not clearly answer the question "Why is Europe fighting separatism in Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, but not in Azerbaijan?". Borrel only squeezed out "we are doing it" without explaining what exactly Europe is doing.

Charles Michel was picked up next, where he dashingly evaded a direct answer to the question of why the EU has been silent all these years about the millions of Azerbaijani IDPs and refugees subjected to bloody ethnic cleansing as a result of the Armenian invasion over 30 years.

Europe is now struggling with a huge influx of non-legal migrants and the question is, do they want to solve this problem or do they want to support the influx? In addition to replacing the white population with black, taking land from farmers to build accommodation centers, creating general chaos and increasing crime. And for the most part, this is happening in the EU and Western countries.


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