TODAY.AZ / Politics

Report of Venice Commission experts on the Election Code adopted

25 October 2005 [13:53] - TODAY.AZ
A report prepared by experts of the Venice Commission (VC) of the Council of Europe on additions and changes to be made to the Election Code of Azerbaijan was adopted in the plenary sitting of VC held in Venice on October 21-22.

The associate of the elections and referendums department of VC Sergey Kuznetsov informed that the document including amendments and changes to be made was prepared according to 12 points of recommendations given to Azerbaijan by VC and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in 2004 and at the beginning of 2005.

The document shows that there are shortcomings in the Election Code. The main issues of criticism are idleness in making changes to the composition of election commissions, limitations imposed on foreign-funded NGOs, shortcomings in organization of the election campaign, and the procedure of reviewing of appeals.

Kuznetsov said that the report will be presented in Azerbaijan in next few days.



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