The meeting of the commander of Turkish Military Navy Forces, Admiral Ozden Ornek paying an official visit to Azerbaijan had a meeting with the Minister of Defense, general-colonel Safar Abiyev on March 28.
The information was given to APA from press service of the Ministry of Defense. Minister of Defense stating the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all spheres to be in high level, noted that, these relations can not be compared with any other: "Turkey supported Azerbaijan in all matters, as well as, fair regulation of Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, integrity of Azerbaijan into security structures of Europe and activity in the frames of "Cooperation For Peace" program of NATO.
The relations of Azerbaijan are widely developing now". Minister stated that, representatives of our Armed Forces have participated in more than 300 measures of NATO and stressed that Azerbaijan and Turkey militants fulfilled the common humanitarian mission in Kosovo and Afghanistan. S.Abiyev stated the cooperation of Navy Forces and the aid of Turkey Armed Forces made to Azerbaijan in this field, too.
Admiral of the Navy O.Ornek stated that, the purpose of the visit was expanding relations of Turkish Military Navy Forces with Azerbaijan Military Navy Forces: "Because the beginning of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline will be in Azerbaijan land, but the ending in Turkey lands. We must organize the security of this brotherhood and friendship economy pipeline all together".
S.Abiyev stated that, they had to solve the matters of security of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline and platforms: "Turkey is one of the most powerful and mighty members of NATO. That's why sometimes ill-wishers of Azerbaijan try to prevent the realization of the project. That is why they help to prolong the regulation of Azerbaijan -Armenia conflict. We declare once again that, Azerbaijan will not give even a span of its lands to occupant Armenia. We believe that, in the realization of grand projects, fair solution of Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict Turkey will be with us forever support us and will not open its borders to occupant Armenia".
Navy admiral O.Ornek stated that, though pressures against, Turkey has not opened its borders to Armenia: "Though all attempts of Armenians consists of that, our borders will not be opened for Armenians. Turkey and Azerbaijan have to support each other".
Extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan Turan Morali also took part in the meeting.