By Laman Sadigova
The famous author's exhibition "Chocolate Museum of Nikola", will come to Baku after touring 40 cities over the world as a part of the world tour.
The exhibition will open at the Museum Center on May 15.
The organizers will present more than 250 chocolate products, namely, chocolate and marzipan sculptures, paintings, framed in chocolate baguettes, miniatures and compositions weighing more than 700 kg! Also, visitors will be able to learn the history of chocolate and discover many interesting facts.
Especially for Baku exhibition, the famous chocolatier Nikola prepared chocolate sculptures devoted to Azerbaijan and its capital city, Baku. The "Maiden Tower" chocolate miniature’s weight stands at a whooping 70 kilograms. There are also chocolate paintings of the city’s famous buildings - the Government House, the Museum Center, Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, the Flame Towers, as well as marzipan fruits and flowers, chocolate barbecue and much more.
During the exhibition, the author will present the greatest chocolate picture - weighing more than 200 kilograms, which will mainly focus on the first European Games in Baku. Also, the famous chocolatier will present a line of exclusive chocolate souvenir products made using a special technology, which will be sold during the exhibition.
The exhibition "Chocolate Museum Nikola" attracts a lot of visitors of all ages and status. The total number of visitors over 5 years has amounted to more than 500,000 people.
Ticket price for adults (over 18) is 7 AZN and 3 AZN for school-age children (6 to 18 ). Children under 6 go free of charge. For large families and groups of 15 people a discount is on offer.
Free tasting of several varieties of chocolate will be organized for each visitor during the exhibition.
The exhibition will run until June 28.
The taste of chocolate comes from a mixture of chemicals, many resulting from the roasting process, in which sugars and amino acids combine, forming members of a family of molecules called pyrazines, which contribute to the nutty, roasted and chocolately sensations.
The most widely accepted explanation for chocolate cravings focuses on its sensory properties, its unique combination of sweetness, taste, and texture.