TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Mugam Night mesmerizes Londoners

21 November 2014 [14:35] - TODAY.AZ


By Amina Nazarli

Azerbaijan Mugham Night has been held in London as part of the second Buta Festival of Azerbaijani Arts.

Organized by Buta Arts Center, the concert brought together representatives of Azerbaijani diaspora and local and foreign public figures.

Addressing the event, Dean of Southwark Cathedral Andrew Nunn provided an insight into the history of the worldwide famous place.

Director General of Buta Arts Center Nasib Piriyev noted that Azerbaijani art has developed in all periods.

He said Azerbaijan`s culture, art and music has special place in the world.

Saying that Mugham is one important part of Azerbaijan`s national heritage, Piriyev spoke of the progress achieved and projects carried out in the field of protection and promotion of this art.

Later, Azerbaijani artists performed at the concert. The full house at Southwark Cathedral warmly applauded the performances.

On November 27, Methodist Central Hall Westminster will host the concert of Azerbaijani virtuoso Arslan Novrasli.

This concert will create a different musical environment where Tar expresses its distinctive voice in the hands of Arslan. The visitors will hear its' voice in traditional Mugham, alongside a symphony orchestra with jazz and flamenco bands, exploring how the role of the Tar has evolved and expanded since the late 19th and 20th century.

That’s when the boundaries between different cultural traditions began to blur paving the way for Mugham-opera development.

As Azerbaijan’s national instrument, Tar is a unique instrument. Its double head gives it an instantly recognizable ‘figure-of-eight’ shape.

London is welcoming the second Buta Festival of Azerbaijani Arts from November 4 to March 22.


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