Here's hoping that Pope Francis has a sweet tooth, as the pontiff came face-to-face with a 1.5 tonne chocolate sculpture of himself on Thursday. The Pope was given the statue during his weekly general audience at St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, by students on a chocolatier course at the Accademia of Maestri Cioccolatieri, near Venice.
The group spent four weeks creating the statue, according to The Daily Mail.
As Pope Francis has marked himself out as an advocate for simple living, it is thought he will not indulge himself by eating the depiction.
The larger-than-life monument was made using cocoa from Atitlan, in Guatemala, central America.
Pope Francis is no stranger to receiving gifts, with a Harley-Davidson motorbike he was given in June last year having been sold for over ?200,000 in Paris on Thursday.
Since Pope Francis sold his Mercedes-Benz Popemobile in favour of a less extravagant car, it was unlikely he would keep the Harley Davidson for his personal use, and instead gave it to a Catholic charity.
The money raised from the sale of the custom 2013 Dyna Super Glide on Thursday will go help Caritas Roma run its soup kitchen and hostel.
The pontiff has been hailed as more popular than his predecessor Benedict XVI, and has reportedly tripled the crowds at the Vatican since he was given the role last year.