TODAY.AZ / World news

Ahmadinejad will be questioned at parliament

29 October 2012 [14:14] - TODAY.AZ
Eighty three Iranian parliament members already signed a document for country president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's questioning, an MP from Tehran, Ali Motahari said, Mehr reported.

Motahari said that yesterday the gathering of signatures for Ahmadinejad's questioning has started already.

He noted that those 83 signatures cannot be taken back once submitted.

He said that the first meeting of the parliament will discuss this project, and later the president would be given one month to attend the next session to answer the questions.

Last week 102 parliament members signed the document, which was submitted to parliament's planning committee. However later some 40 signatures were taken off the document, thus the document was not submitted.

The document included questions about the rise of foreign currency in Iran, wheat import questions.

According to the law, at least 74 iranian parliament members must sign the document for it to be submitted for review.


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