The Azerbaijan Copyright Agency voiced attitude towards the performance of the Azerbaijani song “Sari Gelin” by Turkish singer Sezen Aksu in Armenian.
The agency reported that the singer informed the press about it. “Sezen Aksu has right to perform Azerbaijani folk song in Armenian, but the press reports that Sezen Aksu, who represent Turkish nation and calls herself a Turkish woman, will present “Sari Gelin” as an Armenian folk song. It contradicts to the Turkish and Azerbaijani legislations, as well as to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.”
The World Intellectual Property Organization has not yet adopted an international tool for the protection of folk pieces, but Azerbaijan has its own legislation on it. According to this law, to use Azerbaijani folklore, including the folk songs for commercial purposes, foreigners must get permission of the Azerbaijan Copyright Agency and make payment in accordance with the legislation.
The copyright agency stated that the folk song “Sari Gelin” belongs to Azeri Turks. “The expert opinion submitted to the agency by well-known Azerbaijani composer Javanshir Guliyev said that “Sari Gelin” was composed on the basis of mugham “Shur”, which is one of the seven major mughams of Azerbaijan and being used mostly in the national music compositions. Thousands of Azerbaijani songs are based on this mugham and performed during the national festivals. The genre of “Sari Gelin” is a long melody, which is the element of folk music of the Turkic-speaking peoples. It differs from other folk songs because it has no refrain. The refrain was replaced in “Sari Gelin” by the modulation of the part of “Shur” mugham entitled “Shur-Shahnaz”. “Shur-Shahnaz” is one of the major parts of “Shur Desgah””.
The Azerbaijan Copyright Agency urges Sezen Aksu to read the notes about “Sari Gelin”, to be attentive in this sensitive and delicate issue, and not to immolate national interests for commercial one.