TODAY.AZ / Business

Two regional TV channels to be opened in Azerbaijan

20 September 2011 [16:18] - TODAY.AZ
Regional TV channels will be opened in two regions of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the National TV and Radio Council Nushirevan Maharramli said.

According to him, many appeals on opening of new TV channels enter to the NTRC: “But the opening of new channel is not based on the appeals. NTRC considers this issue itself, if there is a need to open new channel, it declares contest on it. We certainly record and gather every appeal. Then we express our opinion whether that territory needs new TV channel or not”.

Council’s chairman said that NTRC is interested in the opening of TV channels in the region: “there are such territories that they need an opening of regional channels. There is no regional TV channel in Central Aran zone – Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad, Shirvan, ad also in Shamakhi. First of all the new regional channels will be opened in these two territories. Then the other regions will be considered”.


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