Blogging is not just the legal way to earn money. Its almost matters how much you spend (ofcourse it wont be huge compare to your earnings) to initiate some activities in order to get some genuine crowd.
Selecting your niche, focusing on that
and writing articles is secondary. But first you must follow up some
attitude corrections to build the best blog not just a blog among the
crowd. Being unique is so important for blogging. You cannot simply
clone like some one and continue with your process. Look other blogs to
get a better idea and to learn how they write and get attracted among
the crowd. But you must implement all your unique set of ideas to make
the blog stand out from the crowd.
are the things essential as far as i have understood on what is blogging all about. Bloggers are so intelligent freaks in my view. They are 80% up to date with the technology and trends that exist today. It helps them to improve their communication skills, writing skill, even public speaking – when you know the words and continuous practice you can improve the public speaking for sure. Just one or two sessions with your fellow mates you can surely rock and roll in sessions that you have strangers sitting on the hall.
Blogger is an unique personality
You will show off in the crowd for sure. When some one (who never knew or tried blogging) excited while getting hands on with iPhone 4 or whatever device, blogger will never get excited or amazed. They will just be curious to digg some options to discuss with their readers.
Thats because they already knew about the technology aspects and complete features of maximum gadgets that reach in public. Bloggers get connected to Blogosphere (example NetworkedBlogs) and that really helps them to keep the knowledge up to date.
/Gadget Cage/