TODAY.AZ / Politics

Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev: Government of Azerbaijan is not in the position to pass over in silence the facts of crimes committed by the Armenians

02 June 2011 [13:54] - TODAY.AZ
The Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN has responded to Armenian Representative’s accusations.

In his last letter to the UN Secretary General Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev mentioned that, by rejecting the recommendations that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs presented on the basis of their Field Assessment Mission to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan from 7 to 12 October 2010 and purporting to deny its culpability for the killing on 8 March 2011 of a nine-year-old Azerbaijani child and for committing other heinous crimes during the aggression against Azerbaijan and occupation of its territories, Armenia shows it is unwilling to solve the conflict.

"Armenia demonstrates persistent unwillingness to respect its obligations under the Charter of the UN and international law and to refrain from attempts to discredit the ongoing conflict settlement process. It is curious that Armenia, the country which bears primary responsibility for unleashing the war of aggression against Azerbaijan and committing the most serious crimes of international concern during the conflict, has the insolence to criticize the victim of aggression", he said in the letter.

Mr. Mehdiyev mentioned that, the Permanent Representative of Armenia went as far as considering it unethical to inform the Secretary-General and the States Members of the United Nations about the killing by an Armenian sniper of the Azerbaijani child.

"At the same time, it is well known that the Armenian leadership proved more than once, not only by words, but also deeds, that such notion as ethics, peace and humanism are alien to it. The Government of Azerbaijan is not in the position to pass over in silence the facts of crimes committed by the Armenian side in the course of the war and will continue doing its best to bring all those responsible for these crimes to justice", Mehdiyev added.

The earlier the Government of Armenia comprehends the collapse of its dangerous political agenda, the sooner our peoples will be able to benefit from peace, stability and cooperation, the letter says.

In his letter Mr. Mehdiyev also draws UN’s attention to wounding of one civilian and three Azerbaijani soldiers during ongoing the ceasefire violations in April.

"Moreover, the mentioned period was also marked by a series of large-scale military exercises conducted by the armed forces of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan with the use of air forces, armored units and artillery. Inhabitants of nearby frontline districts clearly heard explosions from the adjacent occupied districts. Even dwelling houses had been shaken by the heavy artillery shells", he noted.


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