TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu: The general direction shows that Nagorno Karabakh problem is about to be solved

30 May 2011 [12:40] - TODAY.AZ
Interview with Azerbaijani Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador to Russia, Polad Bulbuloglu.
Mr. Ambassador, how would you comment on the Deauville statement of the presidents of Russia, US and France?

This is a very important statement. I think that this is a timely statement. For the first time, there is a deadline for the negotiations on Nagorno Karabakh problem to have results. It shows that the leaders of super powers want to solve this problem and of course within the framework of the international law. The international law is on our side. The question is compromise, some additions. I think the most important thing is to take the first step, if the presidents reach a common agreement, the details – where, when, how much, how – will be covered there. The main thing is to reach a principled agreement.

In June, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia will hold meeting on the level of presidents and foreign ministers. Can one expect something new from this meeting with respect to the solution of the problem?

One-on-one meetings will be held in June on the level of foreign ministers and presidents. The general direction shows that Nagorno Karabakh problem is about to be solved.

How do you assess Russia’s activity in the solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem and how can this activeness contribute to the solution of the conflict?

Russia and personally President Dmitry Medvedev have been making efforts towards the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem within the framework of the norms of the international law. This is very important for us. Though other countries have their say, Russia is our biggest neighbor. Historically Russia had an influence in the Caucasus and it will be so henceforth. Much depends on the position and attitude of Russia. As you know, the negotiations are being carried on the level of presidents of three countries. This is very important. Russia and President Dmitry Medvedev play a particular role in the solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

What is the level of Russia-Azerbaijan relations?

Azerbaijan has particular attitude towards Russia. One can see it while remembering our recent joint events with Russia. The participation of Azerbaijani and Russian first ladies in the event “Azerbaijani night” in the Kremlin on May 17 and interest of the Russian public in the event should be especially underlined. 6000-seat Kremlin Palace was full. One felt pride that Azerbaijan and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have such prestige.

The event on the Republic Day – May 28 is also memorable. Over 1000 people attended the event. Ambassadors of 40 countries accredited in Russia attended the reception on the occasion of the Republic Day. When I started working here in 2006, there were hardly 150-200 people in our receptions. Such events allow us work more comfortably in Moscow, feel strong. All this shows that there are great improvements in the bilateral relations.


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