TODAY.AZ / Politics

Parliament ratifies "Agreement between Azerbaijan and the Holy See on legal status of catholic church in Azerbaijan"

27 May 2011 [17:12] - TODAY.AZ
The Azerbaijani Parliament’s next meeting is being held today.

In his keynote speech, speaker Ogtay Asadov congratulated the MPs and Azerbaijani people on May 28 – the Republic Day. Asadov expressed his confidence that Azerbaijan’s state independence would be strengthened under President Ilham Aliyev’s leadership and the social welfare of the population will be more increased.

Then the issues, which appeared on the agenda, were submitted for discussion. At first, chairperson of the parliament’s committee for human rights Rabiyyat Aslanova submitted the “Agreement between Azerbaijan and Holy See on legal status of catholic church in Azerbaijan” for MP’s discussion.

Aslanova said that the catholic church is among the religious communities which have legal status in Azerbaijan. The Catholic Church is the only religious confession recognized by the states in the modern world.

Noting the restoration of the Catholic Church’s activity after Azerbaijan’s achievement of independence, Aslanova underlined the formation of relations between Azerbaijan and Vatican from 1997.

Then the draft agreement was put to vote and ratified.


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