TODAY.AZ / Politics

Ashgabat hosts Turkmen-Azerbaijani talks

26 May 2011 [12:40] - TODAY.AZ
An Azerbaijani delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov paid a visit to Ashgabat, the Turkmen embassy in Azerbaijan reported with reference to the Turkmen Foreign Ministry. During the visit, the sides held the Turkmen-Azerbaijani consultations on the Caspian Sea.

The sides noted that issues related to the Caspian Sea are always in the focus of the two friendly countries’ leaders.

"The negotiation process to determine the Caspian Sea Legal Status and preserve its biodiversity and ecology passes on universally recognized norms of international law, principles of mutual respect and consideration of all partners’ interests largely thanks to innovative initiatives of Presidents Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov and Ilham Aliyev," the report reads.

The sides emphasized the willingness of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to resolve all issues through diplomatic and legal means and methods. Development of a comprehensive cooperation and mutually agreed actions on the Caspian region corresponds to long-term interests of all littoral states, the participants said.

The sides discussed the current state and prospects of further expansion of the Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan bilateral relations in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

The meeting stressed a mutual interest in further development of international dialogue, including through regular consultations between the foreign ministries of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The sides marked intensification in the Turkmen-Azerbaijani cooperation both bilaterally and within the framework of the authoritative international organizations.


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