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EU to warn Turkey on press freedom

11 April 2011 [10:42] - TODAY.AZ
The European Union is expected to convey a series of warnings to Turkey during the next meeting of the EU-Turkey Association Council, which will be held in Brussels on April 19.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu is scheduled to attend the meeting of the council, which is reportedly getting ready to draw attention to a host of issues, ranging from press freedom to energy security, mentioned in a draft document of the EU Common Implementation Strategy.

On the issue of press freedom, the EU report maintained a critical stance, calling on Turkey to enact further legislation in order to better harmonize its laws with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, while expressing concern over the recent arrests of journalists, bans on certain Internet sites and the seizure of a draft manuscript.

The increasing trend of self-censorship among journalists was also mentioned as a source of concern.

Noting Turkey’s progress in developing good relations with its neighbors, the EU will express to Turkey its readiness to expand foreign-policy cooperation with the country.

Regarding Turkey’s plans to change its Constitution in the future, the EU will recommend Turkey negotiate and consult with an as-wide-as-possible range of interest groups on the country’s key legal text. The EU is also expected to express its approval of Turkey’s steps to increase civil society’s control over security and military forces.

While stressing the country’s economic growth in 2010, the EU is expected to draw authorities’ attention to Turkey’s large current account deficit. Nuclear energy will also be among the priorities discussed, as the EU is expected to invite Turkey to create a suitable environment around nuclear-security issues.

Regarding the Kurdish issue, the document said the EU regrets that the democratic initiative and measures announced by the government in 2009 in order to address the Kurdish problem have not met expectations.

On Cyprus issue, it reminds that despite all the calls coming from the European Union, Turkey has refused to open its ports to ships with Greek Cypriot flags. "The fact that Turkey has not made any step will influence the entire negotiations," said the document.

/Hurriyet Daily News/

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