TODAY.AZ / Business

Largest cement plant in Caucasus to be built in Azerbaijan

01 March 2011 [17:10] - TODAY.AZ
The Azerbaijani Company Norm and the Chinese contracting company China Triumph International Engineering Co ltd (CTIE) signed an agreement on the construction of a cement plant Gizildash Cement in Baku today.

The contract was undersigned by Norm CEO Ismayil Erkovan and CTIE Chairman Peng Shou.

"We will consider Gizildash Cement as a new opportunity to strengthen collaboration with partners in Azerbaijan and together construct a first-class cement factory,” Shou said.

“The CTIE sincerely hopes for strong support from the Azerbaijani government in the implementation of the project and close cooperation with the construction assembly companies. We will enhance communications in all fields of engineering construction.”

Production capacity of the plant to be built in the Garadagh district of Baku will hit 5,000 tons of clinker per day and 2 million tons of cement per year.

Thus, the plant will become the largest cement company in the Caucasus. The company will be commissioned in late 2013. The project - valued at approximately $ 350 million, which is one of the largest projects in the non-oil sector - will certainly contribute to improving human welfare and economic development of the country.

400 people will operate at the plant and 100-150 people in the commodity pits. In addition, another 2,500 people will be involved in related fields, such as chemistry, transport, fuel and others in connection with the production.

The main equipment for the plant will be purchased from the leading manufacturers in Germany and other European countries.

Traffic circulation on the transport of raw materials and finished goods in connection with the activities of the plant will hit 5.5 million tons, which, in turn, opens new perspectives in the field of transportation.

There will also be prevented the outflow of currency from the country in the amount of $150 million a year.

Production meeting the API oil well cement standards that have not been in the Caspian region to date will turn Azerbaijan into an exporter of cement to oil producers.

10,000 hectares of land will be cleared of waste stone quarries located in the Garadagh district. Infrastructure at the plant will be created from scratch. Lands, which are currently semi-desert, will be planted.

The project will provide the country with cement of the highest quality, with minimal energy consumption.

The document drawn up to assess the impact on the environment and social impact on the area of Gizildash Cement was approved by the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry on April 12, 2010.

The building contractor of Gizildash Cement – CTIE - is one of the top 200 engineering consulting firms, the magazine ENR reports. The company is a leading enterprise in China in the production of glass, cement and other building materials.


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